AH HA!! (or chickpea and avocado salad)

I was peering into the fridge this afternoon as I threw together lunch in a kind of desultory way. And it was desultory. Finding soggy tomatoes and broccoli that had seen better. There was little left in the way of protein unless I went the tinned tuna (again) and I wasn't in the most hopeful of moods. And then I found an organic avocado that I had bought at immense expense and promptly thrown into the fridge and forgotten. A couple of the tomatoes proved salvagable. And I was suddenly taken by a craving for chickpeas, quite possibly because they were the only canned pulses on the shelf (oh people who think I spend all my time cooking fresh from scratch, laugh, laugh away!).
I threw the three together, drizzled some olive oil and a little vegetable salt and let me tell you, it tasted amazing! And this took me completely off guard. Because I expected it to be a "thrown-together-out-of-tins-and-overripe-produce" kind of lunch and instead it was one of the best salads I've ever eaten! It still lacked a little zest and I found my one remaining onion and diced about a quarter of it and threw it in. So simple and yet totally on the mark.
The "AH HA!!" in the title actually refers to the fact that a photo appears and not to the fabulousness of the recipe. Thanks to kind Christmas gifts, I finally went and bought a camera of my/our own. So let the photos recommence! And I was surprised at the lengths that Rachael went to when plating up for the camera, but do you know what I found myself doing? Since avocado makes such a mess, I tipped the salad into a clean bowl for the pic. Which was kind of ridiculous because my favourite photo didn't even show the bowl! But here's one, just so you can see how clean it was.

mmmm...that looks good Plum! I'm so far from salad weather over here in Ireland at the moment although during my first week home in November I kept ordering salads when out for dinner. My friends thought I was mad but my body was telling me that it still - despite the cold, the dark and the rain - thought it was summertime. I still get summer flashbacks every time I look at an Antipodean website...very confusing!
That looks really delicious. I love the inventiveness of combining avocado and chickpeas.
Hi Caroline - that's so funny! I've never done that but I guess we all adjust differently - I'll take it over jetlag any day!
Hi Kalyn - I don't think it was inventiveness, just desperation! But it worked out really well.
I am a great fan of the salad and see nothing wrong with augmenting with the odd tin of handy protein. I make a similar bean/tuna/tomato based one with lashings of lemon juice and garlic.
As for photos don't get me started! I am driven mad with the idea of snapping pics before food cools down, after all the point of cooking is eating! Not sure what I will do once the natural light is gone at the end of the day. I often take the dish out to the backyard and throw a tablecloth or piece of fabric under it for a background.
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