Weekend Herb Blogging: Rosemary Redux

We eat roast lamb a lot round here, in the standard permutations of rosemary and garlic, rosemary and anchovy, rosemary, garlic AND anchovy - you get the picture. One of my last efforts included shop-bought rosemary and it was just UGH, nasty and bitter, left me wondering why I'd bothered to put it in at all!
Buying rosemary is a bit of a new phenomenon for me, as I've tended to live in houses with enormous rosemary plants. One so much so, that when meeting a neighbour for the first time, she exclaimed "Oh so you own that rosemary - the entire street helps themselves to it!" And the rosemary we planted in the last house grew so quickly that visitors could snap off a few arm-length branches without any visible effect. So paying $2.99 for a piddly package of rancid rosemary does not thrill me.
But after the last debacle I decided to go raid the fledgling potted rosemary in the garden for a handful of needles. I was cracking open my copy of The Silver Spoon to make the simple Cosciotto Arrosto. The bush withstood the pillage and soon I was happily wrapping the needles in sage and poking them into little slits of lamb fat. Then scattered with garlic chunks and slices of pancetta, a tip of wine and vinegar, it was into the oven for a long roast.
This time the rosemary tasted sweet yet strong. A most pleasing result. And, speaking of which, I am most delighted that I managed to enter Weekend Herb Blogging again, after many missed weekends. Check out the rest at Kalyn's Kitchen!
You're so lucky to have huge rosemary plants like that. In Utah, the rosemary sometimes survives through the winter, if it's a mild one, but not always. This year my plant did come back, but it's still quite small. I love lamb with rosemary and this sounds wonderful.
Ooer, is rosemary a hearty plant to grow? I haven't attempted growing herbs since I tried (and failed) multiple times with basil...
where would you suggest is the best place to get a little seedling from? Supermarket, or is a garden store best?
Rosemary is very easy to grow from a cutting.
When teh bush has some fresh new growth, snip about 5cm from the tip, remove the leave at the bottom,stick it in a pot with some new potting mix. water it daily for a few weeks, and befor eyou know it, your Rosemary will be growing nicely.
Sounds great & agree on the herbs, I try to grow whatever I can on my herb shelf in my courtyard that Michael so kindly built for me. My rosemary is great but have been having great problems keeping coriander & basil alive so if I have to buy them I try & at least get them from a market rather than the dodgy supermarket packs!
What a beautiful picture!!! Out here in Northern California, rosemary is used extensively as a landscaping shrub, because it's so tough and drought resistant. And it's beautiful too.
Hi Kalyn - it didn't even occur to me that rosemary doesn't thrive everywhere! It's such a hardy herb. They must be some winters!
Hi Ellie - it is unbelievably easy to grow. I've always bought small bushes for $10 or so from garden centres. They've stayed quite small when potted, but once planted, zoom up!
Hi Kitekato - yup the Figman transplanted some of our old rosemary bush here in cuttings and it seems to be coming along nicely.
Hi Ange - yeah at this time of year coriander is a lost cause I think! Pity.
Hi Sher - yes rosemary is used like that here in Australia. I often see it planted in between lavender - two mediterannean plants for a vaguely mediterannean climate!
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