(My Favourite Plum) Jam

I love good jam. Long gone are the days when I spread the sticky sugary supermarket stuff on my sourdough. Amongst my dozens of jars in the fridge can usually be found something from the excellent Annie Smithers range, a jar of Bonne Maman Peach Conserve and one or two from Phillippa's bakery in Armadale. Their raspberry jam, with raspberries from Silvan Estate, was a constant until I happened upon the summer seasonal jam: strawberry jewels with vanilla. I loved this jam with a passion. Whole fruit, slipping in thick red jam. I bought jars of it at a time, I gave it for Christmas presents. Once, when I couldn't find any at the store, I walked around with an eagle eye, until I spotted the jars which had just been made on a side shelf.
So you can imagine how I reacted when I found out that the summer supply was exhausted and there was no more until next year. I sulked. Big time.
Until it became apparent that there was a replacement on the way. Dark, tangy plum jam. Made from damsons, this is the perfect winter preserve on toast, over yoghurt or on wheatmeal bisquits with Havarti cheese. I can't say that it's my absolute fave, but it's definitely my favourite plum jam.
We still have some Phillippa's Single Estate Raspberry in the fridge - it came in a Xmas Hamper we were lucky enough to receive.
Not that anyone here really eats jam :(
Yum. A dollop of nice plum jam on hot porridge is also pretty nice :)
Just dropped by your site.
Good to know that you have a cutie girl new.Congratulations!!!!!.
And I did a pluot jam plum + apricot.
Take care.
Ramya( currently offline)
(Cascading Flavors)
Thanks very much for the Jam Tips! Hope this doesnt seem like spamming, but I wanted to pass on to as many Melbourne food lovers as possible the great news that "Beard Papa" is opening a store in Elizabeth Street, the railway station end on the 7th of August. I lived on these fantastic cream puffs in Japan and am ecstatic they are finally here too.
You fell off my Bloglines!
I've not tried Philippa's plum jam, but our local cafe sells a fabulous plum and vanilla jam, which is more WHOLE plum than jam, but I adore it.
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